6. Journey
There is only one stage of my life I can recall when I truly understood that the journey is what is important, and that was back in 1987-89 when I lived in Calgary, Canada and then London, England. Time stood still each day so I could enjoy the moment and each new day brought a new experience, a journey of wonder.
Most of my other memories are about achieving goals but not enjoying the journey. Hints were provided along the way, some not so subtle, and yes there were glimpses of a journey but not like now.
The poem I wrote below captures how I now go about my life, connecting with my Higher Self and trusting the Universe. Being aware each day of opportunities for living a full and better life.
“The Journey said come with me
For I will show you things you will remember many years from now
And I will cause you to remember things from many years from now
You may ask, Is this magic?
And I will answer, No it is not.
For this is you my love
And I will whisper these wisdoms in your ear
As you travel with me on this path to the Light
This awakening to You
And when you realise the Light is inside of You
Shining bright
You and I will merge my love
We will be the Light
And then You will not need to wonder anymore
For You will be the Journey evermore”
An important part of living a full life is giving back. Volunteering, look after those less fortunate than us are practiced in abundance all over the world. The giving back this Framework is focused on is sharing knowledge to achieve what you desire.
Please take a moment to imagine how wonderful the world would be if we all had the knowledge and skills to live an opulent life, to feel worthy to ask and acquire our fair share through application of good principles and habits.
My Why is to share the knowledge I have acquired, and I am still acquiring every day.
The Framework is an easy to follow, step-by-step process which will build your mindset and habits to achieve what you desire and the confidence to ask for and expect the opulence in your life which is your birth right.