5. Gratitude

The better life exists at a high frequency and a lesser life exists at a low frequency. Love, peace, gratitude are high frequencies and fear, anger, worry are low frequencies.

Your frequency must match the life you desire and gratitude is one of the highest frequencies. 

This can be a challenge when your life is not going as well as you would like. It takes discipline and good habits to be grateful every day for what you have. Start with the small things and build up and truly appreciate how you feel when you give thanks for what you have instead of focusing on what you do not have. This one change will cause you to see your world differently, to find the hope for a life filled with more of the 12 Riches of Life.

I start my day by writing out all the things I am grateful for and I complete the writing with “and I am so happy and grateful for all I am about to receive and open to receiving more”. Thanks to Bob Proctor for the “I am so happy and grateful for….” structure.

Before a meal I give thanks for the food on my plate, the people who prepared the soil to grow the produce, harvest the produce, transport, and sell the food to me.

I also give thanks to the people who made the chair and table, all the appliances in the kitchen the plate, cutlery, lighting, heating, glassware, and anything else I can think of.  I feel so much better knowing I sent gratitude to the 1000s involved in the activities required so I can sit and enjoy my meal.

Ash Manuel (Growing With Gratitude) is doing an inspirational job rolling out his program on gratitude to schools. 

At the start of my awakening in late 2014, to rewire my thinking, I said aloud 50 affirmations per day, three times a day and gratitude played a big part in those affirmations. Those affirmations were provided by Nicole Whitty, Life Coach and now Master Coach with the Napoleon Hill Institute. 


4. Receive


6. Journey