1. Universal Rules

Starting a new journey requires many decisions and lots of information for those who need everything planned to the last detail. For those who are comfortable with the basics and the unknown, only a few decisions are needed to make a start.

Either way, if you know the fundamental rules of life, and how you can use them to achieve your desire, the journey should be easier. 

Why kick down the door to your dream life when you can turn the handle and walk into it.

The Universe works in precise ways and science is unraveling those ways every day. Turning thought into physical reality has been known for centuries, and insights from antiquity were provided many years ago by Nicole Whitty from the Elysian Sanctuary. In the early 1900s this knowledge come into the public domain in easy-to-understand books; Thomas Troward, the Hidden Power and Other Papers on Mental Science (1921) and Florence Scovel Shinn, The Game of Life and how to Play It (1925). Napoleon Hill published Think & Grow Rich in 1937 and the 1950s gave birth to several books explaining how “thoughts become things” (Bob Proctor). Now the secret is everywhere: seminars, webinars, Facebook, podcasts and Instagram. A big thank you to Rhonda Byrne for The Secret book and movie, which brought to the world stage many in the self-development space. The elite sports community knows these secrets and so should you. 

The NuMente Framework is focused on harnessing the full power of your mindset to achieve what you desire. 

Like any game, the game of life (thanks Florence) is easier to win if you are aware of the rules and establish good habits.  There are many rules and laws and this Framework provides the essentials to get you started on your journey of discovery of how a new life starts with a new mindset.


Paradigms, frameworks, beliefs, programs, values, rules of your life.  Whatever you call them, you need to know what they are and learn and acknowledge yours as they are the filters through which you see the world.  They could be your self-built cage or your guideposts to a better life.

For me, it all started with getting to know me: what holds me back, drives me forward, what really makes me smile from the heart. The smile you can see when my eyes sparkle and not the smile to be nice smile.

Paradigms are a set of beliefs instilled in you from birth through repetition of messages from those around you as a child, at school, further education and work. My paradigm was centered around safety. Stay within the boundaries of the “system”, get the safe job and look after family. The last one is the one I kept but the others I decided to change.

You change those paradigms the same way they were created, repetition of the beliefs you need to attain your desire.

Three minds

There are potentially more than three minds in your body but to illustrate how thoughts interact we will focus on three. 

1. Conscious

What you use day-to-day and what you consider governs your actions. Lots of analytical and logical thinking.

2. Subconscious

Unknown to many people, their actions are 95% driven by their subconscious mind. The values and beliefs you hold true are held in your subconscious, and are described as paradigms. They can be the cage you do not know of and if you don’t know a cage exists, it is very difficult to plan your escape. 

If you were told at a young age you were good at music and encouraged, you are more likely to develop good musical skills and enjoy performing. Conversely, if you were told you were not good at singing, it is likely you would avoid the embarrassment of singing and not try to improve. Anyone can be taught to sing, but if you have a “I’m not a good singer belief” would you try and risk embarrassment, or would you do something else which you were encouraged to do?

3. Superconscious/Inner Self/Connection to the Universe

This mind has a number of names and it is, in my understanding, your true self, the part of you which is part of Universal Intelligence.  Some know this as God, the non-ego, your soul, your Higher Self. It is the part of you that does not die, that is connected to a higher intelligence and has so much knowledge to offer, if you would only be still and listen. If only!!!

If you don’t believe in a higher intelligence, focusing on the two minds will still provide benefits so hang in there.

Universe of Vibration and Frequencies

We live in a universe which communicates in frequencies and emotions, that is constantly vibrating in what Bob Proctor called “an ocean of motion”. The concept of a vibrational universe is so important because of three big tenets:

  1. Your thoughts sends signals to the Universe

  2. The Universe responds to the frequency you are on (which may not be the one you need)

  3. Your outer reality is a reflection of your inner reality 

Whoa! Hold on there! Are you saying I am responsible for the way my life is?  Are you also saying I can change my life by changing the way I think? 

Yes, that is exactly what all the metaphysical writers and contemporary writers and practitioners in self-development believe and this Framework will help you apply these concepts to your daily routine. 

Good frequencies include gratitude, love, peace, and bad thought frequencies include fear, anger, and hate. If you want good things, you have a much better chance of receiving and keeping them if you maintain good frequencies.

What you think you become 

The power of thought has been well documented through the ages but not taught so widely that we all know and apply the power of thought to achieve our goals. What we can easily do is unconsciously think of what we don’t want and attract that!!

In the book “The Science of Personal Achievement” by Napoleon Hill, there is a powerful quote at page xxii from Earl Nightingale, who studied under Napoleon Hill, one of the founders of self-development:

“Incredible as it may seem, there is one bit of wisdom that has passed down from antiquity unchanged and unchallenged. Great thinkers from time’s very beginning have ordered it as if it was their own personal discovery, and so it was. We can read it a thousand times and have it shouted in our faces, but for some strange, self-limiting reason, we can’t discover it until we are ready to discover it. Human thoughts have a tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent. That’s all. Not very shaking, is it? Just twelve words that still give the creeps when I think the power they contain.”

Henry Ford puts it succinctly:

“There are those who think they can and those who think they cannot. Both are correct.”

You have 60,000 to 70,000 of thoughts every day.  Do you control them, or do they control you?

Be very aware of what you focus on and your self-talk and be kind to yourself when taking on new adventures. All of us learn along the way and no one is an expert on the first day or the first week.

As you practice holding a new mindset, you may start to notice small signs, like “breadcrumbs on the path” to indicate you’re heading in the right direction. More formally, synchronicity: things start to flow, become a bit easier, people turn up, ideas flash into your mind.

Conversely if you’re on the wrong path, heading away from your desire, life might become (or stay) very difficult.  

Think deliberately so your thoughts are always focused on what you want and leave no room for thoughts on what you don’t want.

How do Successful People Think

Successful people have a success mindset; they can see themselves with goals achieved before their goals come into physical form. They have fears but they do not let those fears control them. They only focus their minds on what they want and not on what they don’t want.

Truly successful people live as if their goals are achieved the moment they decide on their goal. They walk, talk and act as if they are “the success arrived”, even though it might be a while away. Not in an arrogant way (well, some may do) but in a confident, I’ve got this manner.

People who achieve consistently also take the time and effort to be specific about their desires and break it down into manageable goals. A big desire can be daunting and create fear, and big fear can stop you moving forward. Developing smaller goals and tasks makes it easier to achieve a big desire. 

Impact of Thoughts and Words (your language)

When you believe and truly understand the power of 12 words by Earl Nightingale….“Human thoughts have a tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent”…your awareness of your thoughts and language will increase. You will become careful about what you think about and begin to check your language, as the words you speak reflect back to you. 

Bruce Lee, the famous martial arts fighter, is quoted as saying:

“Don’t speak negatively about yourself, even as a joke. Your body does not know the difference. Words are energy and cast spells. That’s why it is called spelling. Change the way you speak about yourself and you can change your life. What you are not changing, you’re also choosing.”

Rember those 60,000 to 70,000 thoughts each day? What are you choosing by not checking your thoughts.

Keep saying you’re not good at something and it is very hard to improve. Keep speaking about your aches and pains and you will receive more aches and pains. I used to speak a lot about my ailments and they did not go away.  Plenty of visits to medicos and no change but once someone pointed out how much I spoke about them, I began to stop speaking about my aches and pains. Combine a change in language with a new mindset and my health is the best it has been for a long time.

Be conscious of your thoughts and language and make choices aligned with your desires.

Choice of thoughts 

Is choice of thought your hidden power? Many of the greats in self-development consider choice of thought the superpower of humans. Napoleon Hill explains:

“…the power of thought is the only thing over which any human has complete and unquestionable control. The very fact that the Creator gave humans control over only one thing but it was intended for that one thing to be sufficient for their needs. And believe you me, it is sufficient if you use it properly”
Science of Personal Achievement (p9).

Control of your thoughts is the cornerstone for the deliberate creation of the life you want.

Keep your thoughts focused on what you want and only what you want and keep your language positive and self-appreciating. This simple practice will produce an immediate improvement in your wellbeing.

Your Environment

The people you spend time with, where you live, and the clutter and cleanliness of your home and work environment all impact your energy and influence your thinking. You are the average of the five people you spend most time with. Is your environment aligned with your desires?

There is a saying, “garbage in, garbage out” when it comes to processes and information technology systems. 

With your thinking, Lefford Fate says it is more like “garbage in, garbage stays”. And if garbage thinking stays long enough it can impact whole communities, cities and generations of people.

Internal vs External

Which controls which? External environment controls internal or does your internal world create your external results?

Daunting but necessary questions. Arguably the most important step to realising your desires and achieving your dreams is to accept you are responsible for your life!!

Deliberate creation starts from the inside and to clear that path to Self, you must stop blaming others, judging people, and accepting things that do not align with achieving your desires. A massive challenge for most of us, including me, and one of the hardest concepts to accept.

The Power of Imagination

In your imagination all things are possible. You fly without restriction and live large, go on adventures, find the love of your life, the house of your dreams, speak in front of large groups with confidence, you are a rock star commanding stadiums full of people, kick goals in sporting contests, win medals and you have powers beyond your mortal self.

Well, what if you could learn how to bring those imaginings into reality, into your physical world so you can enjoy what you imagine every day. When you truly understand and believe you can, you need to decide how to harness your imagination to do that.

Try writing your own movie script with you as the main actor, the star, the one living the life you want. Keep those images front of mind and monitor your thoughts, language, and actions to align to the movie script you want for your life and notice what happens. I first heard this concept watching a lecture by Dolores Cannon and Dr Joe Dispenza takes this to a new level with the Mind Movie Technology, developed by Natalie and Glen Ledwell, which he calls a “21st century vison board” in his book Becoming Supernatural.

Ask if you Want Something

Here’s the thing, the Universe won’t give until you ask, or better still demand, what you want. This was advised to all who read the Bible, so nothing new here.

Ask and it will be given to you;

Seek and you will find; 

Knock and the door will be opened to you

The “Ask and you shall receive” passage is one of my favourites from the Bible (Mat 7:7) and please note the first letter of each line spells ASK!

Reflecting on my life, I didn’t think I could ask for a lot, only a little. I consider I have done well but not what I consider my full potential, given what I now know about mindset. Back to those paradigms, which includes the big restriction to receiving more: you need to feel worthy of more.

How many times have you asked on behalf of others but not for yourself? 

Why are they worthy, and you are not? You will only receive to the extent you feel worthy of what you want. More on being worthy in 4. Receive.


2. Define Your Desire